ISBH ITS-TC - USB termočlánkový teplomer
USB termočlánkový teplomer

ITS-TC is a new and special type of a complete temperature measurement system with integrated data logging and graphical functions for the direct connection to every PC/laptop via the USB port. It is part of the ISAscale® product group and is based on a special thermocouple type in connection with the high precision data acquisition system ISA-ASIC, developed by ISABELLENHÜTTE. The sensor material is made of a special thermoelectric material with high EMF stability. The absolute accuracy of the system is better than every known conventional temperature measurement system based on the Seebeck effect. The voltage signal supplied by the thermocouple sensor is measured with the offset-free, low-noise ISA-ASIC with a 16 bit resolution. The absolute resolution and noise is better than 1 μV or 0.05 K (50 mK) in the range from -200 to +1200 °C. The ITS-TC is calibrated as a unit including sensor and electronic circuit. The accuracy is better than 1.5 K, except in the temperature range from -30 to +200 °C, where the accuracy is better than 0.5 K. The sampling rate is 1 Hz in continuous mode and 3 kHz in single mode, meaning that also very fast temperature changes can be detected and recorded. The system works on the USB bus, i. e. the circuit is powered via the bus, and it communicates with any PC or laptop based on Windows® 2000/XP/VistaTM (32 bit). Each sensor has an individual address allowing the parallel operation of up to ten units with one PC/Laptop.
Princíp merania | EMF meranie s internou referenčnou kompenzáciou, linearizácia použitého termočlánku, kalibrácia kompletného systému |
Rozsah teplôt | Snímač Ø = 3.00 mm: -200 až +1200 ºC Snímač Ø < 3.00 mm: -30 až +500 ºC |
Frekvencia vzorkovania | 1 Hz a 3 kHz |
Rozlíšenie | ≤ 1μV (≤ 0.05 K) |
Presnosť | ≤ 1.5 K* v rozsahu -200 až +1200 °C ≤ 0.5 K* v rozsahu -30 až +200 °C |
Pracovná teplota elektroniky | -30 až +60 °C |
Podporovaný OS | Windows® 2000/XP/VistaTM (32 bit) |
* závisí od typu termočlánku, prevedenia snímača a kalibrácie |
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