PicoScope 4000 Series 4-Channel Motorcycle Diagnostics Kit PP541

Značka: pico Technology

Diagnostická sada sa už nedodáva, vyberte si prosím iný prístroj z ponuky.

The Powerful Diagnostic Tool For All Modern Motorcycles

With our new Motorcycle Diagnostics Kit you can find that problem fast, and cut out the guesswork and head-scratching!

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PicoScope 4000 Series 4-Channel Motorcycle Diagnostics Kit PP541
Značka: pico Technology
PicoScope 4000 Series 4-Channel Motorcycle Diagnostics Kit  PP541
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Doprava zadarmo pre každý nákup nad 80€ s DPH vytvorený cez náš eshop s doručením na Slovensko.
Doprava zadarmo
pre každý nákup nad 80€ s DPH vytvorený cez náš eshop s doručením na Slovensko.
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Záručný, pozáručný servis teplomerov, multimetrov a iného metrologického vybavenia.
Servis a kalibrácia
teplomerov, multimetrov a iného metrologického vybavenia vrátane záručného a pozáručného servisu.

For the Pico Motorcycle Diagnostics Kit we took the same award-wining technology that we use in our car and truck diagnostic tools and added our own motorcycle-specific software. The result: an inexpensive diagnostics tool that is suitable for use on any modern motorcycle.

At the core of the kit is the PicoScope automotive oscilloscope. This PC Oscilloscope turns your laptop or desktop PC into a powerful motorcycle diagnostics tool for fault-finding the increasing number of sensors, actuators and electronic circuits found on today’s bikes.

Easy to set up and use

This powerful and flexible motorcycle diagnostic tool connects to, and is powered by, the USB port of your PC. It has been designed to be easy-to-use, and so is equally suitable for both novice and expert users.

Value for money

The Pico Motorcycle Diagnostics Kit does not require harnesses for different makes and models of bikes, and software updates can be downloaded for free — making the kit a powerful and cost-effective diagnostic tool.

The ideal tool for motorcycle diagnostics

The Pico Motorcycle Diagnostics Kit is your ideal tool for fault-finding on today’s bikes. The easy to use PicoScope software means that even if you’re a complete beginner you can get started straight away, and using it you can test every fuel injection and engine management component from crank and cam sensors to injectors and ignition signals.

Interested in maintaining or repairing bikes? Then the Pico Motorcycle Diagnostics Kit is the tool you need.

Kit Contents

The Pico Motorcycle Diagnostics Kit is available in both 2 and 4-channel versions.

PicoScope Automotive For Motorcycles

Included as part of the Motorcycle Diagnostics Kit is the motorcycle version of the powerful PicoScope Automotive diagnostics software.

With PicoScope Automotive even beginners can quickly perform advanced diagnostic checks. Simply select the sensor or circuit to be tested and the software will automatically load the required settings and give you full details of how to connect the oscilloscope, along with advice on what the waveform should look like, and general technical information on the component being tested.

The preset tests and help topics in PicoScope Automotive for Motorcycles are centred around popular modern bikes, and were written by bikers, for bikers.

You can also customise your own kit by adding your own library of waveforms to PicoScope Automotive.

With its family Windows user interface, automated measurements, extensive preset tests and help topics, and the ability to save and print waveforms, PicoScope Automotive is a versatile motorcycle diagnostic tool that is perfect for both beginner and expert alike.


 2-Channel Kit4-Channel Kit
PicoScope automotive oscilloscope PicoScope 4223 PicoScope 4423
Channels 2 4
Accuracy ±1%
Memory 32 M samples
Maximum sampling rate
1 or 2 channels in use
3 or 4 channels in use

80 MS/s

80 MS/s
20 MS/s
20:1 attenuator 2 4
TA000 BNC to 4mm test lead 2 4
Secondary ignition pickup 2 4
60 A DC current clamp no yes
600 A AC/DC current clamp yes yes
Multimeter probes yes yes
Small croc clips yes yes
Dolphin clips yes yes
Insulation piercing probes yes yes
2-pin break out lead yes yes
Acupuncture probes no yes
Carry case yes yes
PicoScope Automotive For Motorcycles software CD yes yes
Vehicle Electronics Diagnostic CD yes yes

PC Requirements
Minimum Processor: Pentium II processor, or equivalent
Memory: 64 MB (XP) / 512 MB (Vista) minimum
Disk space: 300 MB minimum
Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP SP2 or Vista
Ports: USB 1.1 compliant port
Recommended Processor: 2 GHz Pentium IV processor, or equivalent
Memory: 256 MB (XP) / 1 GB (Vista)
Disk space: 1 GB
Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP SP2 or Vista
Ports: USB 2.0 compliant port

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