Measurus - communication software for Fluke 8846A & 8845A

Software for remote measurement with the Fluke 8846A & 8845A multimeters over the ethernet network or internet without labview.

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€286,56 €238,80 bez DPH
Measurus - communication software for Fluke 8846A & 8845A
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Záručný, pozáručný servis teplomerov, multimetrov a iného metrologického vybavenia.
Servis a kalibrácia
teplomerov, multimetrov a iného metrologického vybavenia vrátane záručného a pozáručného servisu.

™ - control the Fluke 8846A & Fluke 8845A DMM"s over the network. Unlimited distance and high speed over the Ethernet interface.



Main features:

  • graphical data presentation
  • smooth histogram
  • easy to use
  • low hardware requirements, no extra libraries required
  • save all data and results to Excel-compatible file or any other software
  • dozens of useful functions
  • fully configurable measurement
  • data logging
  • timed operations
  • TCP/IP communication
  • default port 3490 can be reconfigured
  • temperature calculation: Callendar-Van Dusen, Steinhart-Hart 



Build in temperature standards:

  • Callendar-Van Dusen - RTD / PRT
    • PT100 - ITS-90 / IEC 60751 - alpha 3850
    • PT385 - ITS-68 - alpha 3850
    • D100 - ITS-90 - alpha 3920
    • PT3916 - ITS-68 - alpha 3916
    • F100 - ITS-90 - alpha 3900
    Industrial RTD - A B C values
    • DIN 43760 - alpha 3850
    • US - Alpha 3911
    • ITS-90 - alpha 3926
    • Euro - alpha 3850055 - IEC751
  • Steinhart-Hart - thermistor
    • 3k3 thermistor
    • 10k thermistor
    • 11k thermistor
    • 20k thermistor

User can define unlimited number of temperature probes.



Download the latest version of Measurus: setup-elanm.exe 3,3 MB.



Do you need more information? Click here and send us email.



Measurus works also with Tektronix TEK DMM4050 and DMM4040

System requirements:
Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8
3MB hard drive space
Ethernet connection

elanmes.exe - Elso Lan Measure Suite
SW na riadenie FLUKE 8846A & 8845A cez sieť

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