TTi HA1600A - Analyzátor siete a wattmeter
Meranie pre posúdenie zhody s EN61000-3-2 a EN61000-3-3
- meria: napätie, prúd, výkon, VA, účinník, fázu
- zobrazenie histogramu 40 harmonických
- zobrazenie priebehu napätia a prúdu
- nepretržité meranie s aktualizáciou v reálnom čase
- rozhranie USB a RS323
- ovládací program pre PC
- grafický display

HA1600A je rýchly jednofázový analyzátor harmonického rušenia a napájacej siete s jednoduchou obsluhou. Zobrazenie na grafickom displeji. Primárne je určený na testovanie zhody zariadení s príslušnou normou ale môže byť použitý aj ako analyzátor siete. Zvláda prúdové zaťaženie do 16A RMS. Dvojité pripojenie umožnuje napájať merané zariadenie z rozdielneho zdroja ako samotný prístroj.
Analyzátor meria: napätie RMS, napätie špičkové, prúd RMS, prúd špičkový, rozbehový prúd, skutočný výkon, jalový výkon, zdanlivý výkon, W, VA, účinník, koeficient výkyvu, celkové harmonické skreslenie a frekvenciu.
Dvojitý 16 bit A/D prevodník zaručuje vysokú presnosť a dynamiku.
Harmonický analyzátor
Merania podľa EN61000-3-2 vykonáva v súlade s vydaním 1995 aj 2000. Meria harmonické po 40. so zobrazovaním v réalnom čase. Umožnuje merať aj kontinuálne sledovanie napájacieho napätia, kontinuálne automatické počítanie limitov a nastaviteľné skúšobné programy pre meniace sa harmonické.
Meranie ako stolný wattmeter. Detailné meranie spotreby, jalového výkonu, VA. Vhodný aj na meranie Stand-by prúdov.
Meranie kvality siete
Podľa EN61000-3-3 a EN61000-4-15 meria flicker a fluktuácie. Súčasne vykonáva úplnú analýzu napätia.
Measurement Circuit: | Single Phase with standard mains connector. |
Current Rating: | 16A rms continuous, or national connector rating if lower. |
Voltage Ranges: | 115V (±200V pk) 230V (±400V pk). |
Current Ranges: | ±24mA pk to ±400A pk in fifteen 2:1 ranges. |
Frequency Range: | 45 - 66 Hz. |
Shunt Resistance: | 3 mOhms. |
Sampling Rate: | 300 points per cycle. |
Basic Accuracy: | <0.2% ±1mA, up to 16A. |
Measured Parameters: | Vrms, Vpk, Arms, Apk, Crest factors, THD, W, VA, Power factor, Frequency, Inrush current. |
Monitor Outputs: | Re-constructed Voltage and Current Signals. |
Measurements: | 1st harmonic to 40th harmonic. |
Measurement processing for both 1995 and 2000 Editions of EN61000-3-2. Continuous calculation, analysis and assessment of unfiltered, filtered, average, minimum and maximum current harmonic levels and limits. Continuous measurement and assessment of supply waveform and harmonics. | |
Current Rating: | 16A rms continuous, or national connector rating if lower. |
Voltage Ranges: | 115V (±200V pk) 230V (±400V pk). |
Current Ranges: | ±24mA pk to ±400A pk in fifteen 2:1 ranges. |
Frequency Range: | 45 - 66 Hz. |
Shunt Resistance: | 3mOhms. |
Transforms Window: | Continuous 4, 10, 12 or 16 cycle Discrete Fourier Transforms. |
Basic Accuracy: | Better than 5% of limit or 0.2% of selected range whichever is the greater. |
Display of load supply assessment for voltage, harmonics, crest limits and frequency against requirements of EN61000-3-2. Histogram or tabular display of supply voltage harmonics. Histogram display of current harmonics with limits, Min. hold, Max. hold and percentage of limit display options. Tabular display of current harmonics showing present values, limits, average values, average as percent of limit, maximum values, maximum as percent of limit and pass or fail assessment for each harmonic. |
Test Control: | Untimed, manually timed or automatically timed tests; user-defined test time. Limits automatically determined from EN61000-3-2 for appropriate class; Class C and Class D limits can be automatically calculated from power measurements or from ratings declared by the user. Minimum and maximum power thresholds for limits can be changed by the user. Facility for declaring supply voltages other than 230V and deriving appropriate limits. Facility for insetting test limits. |
Report Printing: | Direct printer connection for hard-copy report with user-entered narrative, supply voltage assessment and current harmonic analysis and assessment. |
Measurement: | Voltage fluctuations dmax, dc, d(t) and flicker Pst and Plt to EN61000-3-3 and EN61000-4-5. |
Current Rating: | 16A rms continuous, or national connector rating if lower. |
Voltage Ranges: | 115V (±200V pk) 230V (±400V pk). |
Fluctuation Range: | 25% max. (relative to nominal voltage) |
Flickermeter Range: | Voltage change up to 20% (sinewave change) or 10% (low repetition rate rectangular change) relative to AGC level. Equivalent to 6400 pu on 8.8 Hz sinewave. |
Flickermeter AGC: | Up to ± 5% |
Flickermeter Accuracy: | Better than 5% for Pst range 0·7 to 10·0. |
Frequency Range: | 50 or 60 Hz (operates over 43 – 67 Hz). |
Report Printing: | Tabular listing of voltage variations, Pst classifier and Pst in each Plt interval. |
Display: | 320 x 240 pixel backlit LCD. |
Interfaces: | Parallel Printer, RS-232, USB). |
Instrument Supply: | 230V or 115V ±14%, 48 to 65Hz. |
Operating Range: | +5°C to 40°C, 20-80% RH. |
Storage Range: | –10°C to +60°C. |
Dimensions: | 357 x 132 x 235mm (WxHxD) |
Weight: | 4.4kg |
Safety: | Complies with EN61010-1 |
EMC Compliance: | Complies with EN61326-1 |
HA-PC LINK PLUS is PC (Windows) software supplied with the HA1600A. It can communicate with the instrument through either an RS232 or a USB connection. It is intended to assist users in taking routine compliance measurements and archiving the results. The PC is used for configuration, display and data archiving only; all real time data handling and measurement processing continues to be performed by the Digital Signal Processor in the instrument. The performance of the PC does not affect the accuracy of the measurement results, and so there is no need for the either the PC or its software to be covered by a calibration certificate. |
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